- /Permit_Attachments/BCOM2408-0012/
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9/24/2024 3:48 PM 125888 8 Appointment of Lien Agent_ Details - LiensNC Lien Service.pdf
10/16/2024 10:45 AM 48039029 Approved 1325 Jonesboro Rd.pdf
8/26/2024 7:54 AM 125369 Duke Energy Dunn OPS - Commercial Building Application_Completed.pdf
9/5/2024 3:00 PM 79872 Dunn - Duke Energy Dunn Operations Center (PR) Letter.doc
9/5/2024 1:43 PM 115858791 DunnOpsCenter.Phase2_approved site plan.pdf
8/26/2024 7:54 AM 225264 FM Plan Review.pdf
8/26/2024 7:54 AM 981323 LandUseCommercial 2018.pdf
8/26/2024 7:54 AM 24949 Letter to Charge Permit Fees.pdf
10/16/2024 8:12 AM 3224 multiopen.bfx
9/4/2024 12:54 PM 18688122 Ops - A_Architectural.pdf
10/9/2024 11:57 AM 15753098 Ops - A_Architectural_1.pdf
9/4/2024 12:54 PM 23476218 Ops - E_Electrical.pdf
10/7/2024 2:03 PM 16711232 Ops - E_Electrical_1.pdf
9/4/2024 12:54 PM 3260747 Ops - EY_Security.pdf
9/4/2024 12:54 PM 16267481 Ops - G_General.pdf
10/9/2024 11:57 AM 6056913 Ops - G_General_1.pdf
9/4/2024 12:54 PM 12638093 Ops - M_Mechanical.pdf
10/7/2024 2:03 PM 9289152 Ops - M_Mechanical_1.pdf
9/18/2024 2:24 PM 5899267 Ops - P_Plumbing.pdf
9/4/2024 12:54 PM 11356988 Ops - PEMB pt1.pdf
9/4/2024 12:54 PM 15257362 Ops - PEMB pt2.pdf
9/4/2024 12:54 PM 9827928 Ops - S_Structural.pdf
10/16/2024 11:12 AM 644203 Permit Inspections.pdf
9/19/2024 2:42 PM 635927 Permit Tree.pdf