- /Permit_Attachments/BCOM2404-0010/
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9/5/2024 8:14 AM 8364078 12227-33774 - S1 - Sealed - 03-10-24-1.pdf
9/9/2024 7:42 AM 206978 Appointment of Lien Agent_ Details - LiensNC Lien Service - Baucom (1).pdf
10/7/2024 10:53 AM 18880323 Approved 11132 US 401 N building S-1.pdf
9/5/2024 8:14 AM 297258 BAUCOM BUSINESS Climate Control - NC - S1.pdf
12/11/2024 11:20 AM 125166 BAUCOM BUSINESS PLAZA - CALC AREA 1.pdf
12/11/2024 11:20 AM 143833 BAUCOM BUSINESS PLAZA - CALC AREA 2.pdf
12/11/2024 11:20 AM 124532 BAUCOM BUSINESS PLAZA - CALC AREA 3.pdf
9/5/2024 8:14 AM 1276557 Baucom permit application - Fully Executed.pdf
12/11/2024 11:20 AM 230269 Baucom Plan Review Application.pdf
1/15/2025 9:46 AM 30525 Baucom S-1 foundation engineers letter.pdf
4/23/2024 1:45 PM 3505377 Baucom_approved site plan.pdf
10/7/2024 10:43 AM 5103829 Baucom_code-and-life-safety S 1.pdf
1/15/2025 9:41 AM 1103 multiopen.bfx
4/23/2024 1:42 PM 5752650 NOI and AOWE Eval_Moore, Jim.pdf
4/29/2024 9:25 AM 318795 NOI.pdf
10/9/2024 12:51 PM 24036379 NW Harnett - Baucom Business Plaza Building S1 (PR).pdf
12/17/2024 8:29 AM 6853881 NW Harnett - Baucom Business Plaza building S1 (SP).pdf
10/9/2024 12:52 PM 2245632 NW Harnett - Baucom Business Plaza Storage Building S1 (PR).doc
12/17/2024 8:30 AM 2279936 NW Harnett - Baucom Business Plaza Storage Building S1 Letter (SP).doc
10/28/2024 8:07 AM 295650 Permit Form.pdf
10/14/2024 2:01 PM 629753 Permit Tree.pdf
10/28/2024 7:58 AM 631353 Permit Tree_1.pdf
9/5/2024 8:14 AM 4248851 S1 - MEP - Sealed 8 22 24 - 24-029.pdf
4/23/2024 1:42 PM 1025769 Septic Land Use Application - Baucom Business Plaza.pdf
11/20/2024 9:12 AM 1124777 Signed Baucom Business Park S-1 Appendix G.pdf