- /Permit_Attachments/SFD2406-0087/

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6/21/2024 11:02 AM 49356 Appointment of Lien Agent.pdf
6/21/2024 11:03 AM 1099098 Building Permit App.pdf
2/10/2025 2:30 PM 385536 CO.PDF
6/25/2024 9:30 AM 118250 Color8850.pdf
6/21/2024 11:03 AM 450888 F 132 Floor Layout.pdf
6/21/2024 11:03 AM 512056 F 132 Floor Seals.pdf
6/21/2024 11:03 AM 454201 F 132 Roof Layout.pdf
6/21/2024 11:03 AM 826887 F 132 Roof Seals.pdf
6/21/2024 11:03 AM 87140 FNCLOT132PP.pdf
6/21/2024 11:03 AM 651454 Land Use App (002).pdf
8/27/2024 9:43 AM 149115 Lot 132 - Farm at Neills Creek (Footing Letter).pdf
6/21/2024 11:03 AM 1947929 NC 132 - Marked Up - 628 GL (115-120 MPH) SEALED 4-26-24.pdf
6/25/2024 9:24 AM 296691 Permit Form.pdf
10/3/2024 11:19 AM 51509 The Farm LOT132 Foundation survey.pdf
7/1/2024 3:41 PM 1029569 The Farm, Chesapeake - Neills Creek Lot 132 - 628 base plan slab - NC 2018 code compliance reports.pdf
6/21/2024 11:03 AM 184091 Water Meter App.pdf