- /Permit_Attachments/SFD2305-0020/

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5/4/2023 2:41 PM 1124895 113-88 NEILLS CRK. SALES OFFICE (6260 PLAN) SEALED 4-28-23.pdf
6/22/2023 11:03 AM 1090365 Chesapeake - The Farm, Lot 104 - 6260 base plan slab - NC 2018 code compliance reports.pdf
9/26/2023 3:51 PM 387775 CO.PDF
5/4/2023 2:41 PM 137006 FNC104 Permit Floor Truss Layout (Revised).pdf
5/4/2023 2:41 PM 137370 FNC104 Permit Floor Truss Layout.pdf
5/4/2023 2:41 PM 510256 FNC104 Permit Floor Truss Seals (Revised).pdf
5/4/2023 2:41 PM 519756 FNC104 Permit Floor Truss Seals.pdf
5/4/2023 2:41 PM 124663 FNCLOT104MODEL.pdf
5/4/2023 2:41 PM 20116 Lien Agent Info.pdf
6/22/2023 11:04 AM 148675 Lot 104 - Farm at Neills Creek (Footing Letter) Summit.pdf
5/18/2023 1:23 PM 297765 Permit Form.pdf
5/4/2023 2:41 PM 729102 RESIDENTIAL Building and Trade App.pdf
5/4/2023 2:41 PM 1483901 RESIDENTIAL Land Use App.pdf
5/4/2023 2:42 PM 11997792 Sales Center Marked Set.pdf
7/17/2023 1:31 PM 49435 The Farm Neills Creek LOT104 Foundation Servey.pdf
5/4/2023 2:42 PM 85927 Water Meter App.pdf