- /Permit_Attachments/SFD2411-0081/

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1/14/2025 11:35 AM 599276 81 Reece Drive Slab Subgrade Evaluation.pdf
11/19/2024 3:35 PM 75023 Appointment of Lien Agent_ Details - LiensNC Lien Service.pdf
12/11/2024 2:34 PM 9370165 Approved 81 Reece Dr.pdf
11/19/2024 3:35 PM 467405 Beam Prints.pdf
12/2/2024 3:28 PM 473362 Beam Prints_1.pdf
11/19/2024 3:35 PM 276908 Floor Reaction Summary.pdf
12/2/2024 3:29 PM 284126 Floor Reaction Summary_1.pdf
11/19/2024 3:35 PM 1246655 Floor Truss Placement_18x24.pdf
12/2/2024 3:29 PM 1247858 Floor Truss Placement_18x24_1.pdf
1/14/2025 11:39 AM 622620 FORM APPENDIX G - Slab 81 Reece Drive.pdf
11/19/2024 3:35 PM 535852 I69325730.R01.J1124-5929.pdf
12/2/2024 3:29 PM 535852 I69325730.R01.J1124-5929_1.pdf
11/19/2024 3:35 PM 606426 I69379610.R01.J1124-5928.pdf
12/2/2024 3:29 PM 606426 I69379610.R01.J1124-5928_1.pdf
2/15/2025 4:01 PM 1083359 L24WestRidFndSurvey .pdf
11/19/2024 3:37 PM 906049 L24WestRidPlotPlanRevised.pdf
11/19/2024 3:35 PM 888232 Lot 24 WR - Building Permit App.pdf
11/19/2024 3:35 PM 766616 Lot 24 WR - Water Connection.pdf
11/19/2024 3:35 PM 584655 Lot 24 WR Land Use.pdf
11/19/2024 3:35 PM 4440347 Lot 24 WR REDLINE 1.pdf
11/19/2024 3:35 PM 698783 Lots 20 _ 24 WR executed contract Williams to SHB.pdf
12/11/2024 2:20 PM 2168 multiopen.bfx
12/12/2024 1:33 PM 294641 Permit Form.pdf
11/19/2024 3:35 PM 333409 Roof Reaction Summary.pdf
12/2/2024 3:29 PM 340577 Roof Reaction Summary_1.pdf
11/19/2024 3:35 PM 1248971 Roof Truss Placement_18x24.pdf
12/2/2024 3:29 PM 1250215 Roof Truss Placement_18x24_1.pdf