- /Permit_Attachments/SFD2204-0052/
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4/21/2022 10:04 AM 29805 Appointment of Lien Agent_ Purfoy 45.pdf
4/21/2022 10:04 AM 4792305 Belmont2.0 Arch and Structural.pdf
6/22/2023 11:44 AM 327384 certificate of occupancy .PDF
5/9/2022 1:39 PM 111834 Color2420.pdf
5/19/2022 10:21 AM 219275 Lot 45 Footing Inspection.pdf
5/19/2022 10:21 AM 231913 Lot 45 Soil Suitability.pdf
4/21/2022 10:04 AM 502711 Lot 45-building-app-res.pdf
4/21/2022 10:04 AM 288470 Lot 45_LandUseResidential App.pdf
6/8/2022 9:31 AM 94456 LOT45-FD.pdf
4/21/2022 10:04 AM 119733 LOT45-PP.pdf
6/8/2022 4:28 PM 1043 multiopen.bfx
4/26/2022 1:32 PM 298608 Permit Form.pdf
7/19/2022 9:47 AM 223668 Purfoy45-Mech_Change.docx.pdf