From: Hassell, Caleb Sent: Friday, January 17, 2025 10:55 AM To: Donna Johnson Subject: RE: HRJ - Fuel Farm Permitting Attachments: 18 - FUEL ISLAND DEATILS.pdf; 19 - FUEL ISLAND DETAILS.pdf Categories: Waiting on Response No buildings, there is a canopy overtop the fuel island. The details of that are attached. Thanks, CALEB HASSELL, E.I. | Civil Associate II Parrish & Partners 1801 Stanley Rd, Suite 315, Greensboro, NC 27407 O: 336.944.6880 I D: 336.944.6871 From: Donna Johnson Sent: Friday, January 17, 2025 10:45 AM To: Hassell, Caleb Cc: Wilbourne, Joseph Subject: RE: HRJ - Fuel Farm Permitting Good morning, Caleb. I am sorry to ask so many questions, but will there be any structures/buildings added to site? Sincerely, Donna Johnson Project Coordinator / Customer Service Rep. Development Services (910) 814-6431 | 420 McKinney Parkway (physical) | PO Box 65 (mailing) | Lillington, NC 27546 Privacy & Confidentiality Notice Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and shall be disclosed to third parties when required by statutes. (NCGS Ch. 132) From: Hassell, Caleb Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 10:40 AM To: Donna Johnson Cc: Wilbourne, Joseph Subject: RE: HRJ - Fuel Farm Permitting Donna, See attached for the site plan sheets for the project. The plans are not 100% complete, but far enough along to show the intent. Sheet C-200 shows the new fuel farm. The existing is where the Proposed Fuel Truck Parking Area is shown, and that will be removed. Sheet C-201 is showing the demo of another existing fuel tank and all pipes and power associated with it. Thanks, CALEB HASSELL, E.I. | Civil Associate II Parrish & Partners 1801 Stanley Rd, Suite 315, Greensboro, NC 27407 O: 336.944.6880 I D: 336.944.6871 From: Donna Johnson Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2025 8:21 AM To: Hassell, Caleb Cc: Wilbourne, Joseph Subject: RE: HRJ - Fuel Farm Permitting Good morning, Caleb. I have not received a message as of yet, but I have been out of the office some. I would be the one to take care of this for you. Can you send me some type of site plan for this job, so I can see what you will need? It is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Donna Johnson Project Coordinator / Customer Service Rep. Development Services (910) 814-6431 | 420 McKinney Parkway (physical) | PO Box 65 (mailing) | Lillington, NC 27546 Privacy & Confidentiality Notice Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and shall be disclosed to third parties when required by statutes. (NCGS Ch. 132) From: Hassell, Caleb Sent: Friday, January 10, 2025 2:50 PM To: Donna Johnson Cc: Wilbourne, Joseph Subject: HRJ - Fuel Farm Permitting Donna, I’m with Parrish and Partners, we’re an engineering firm working on a fuel farm project at Harnett Regional Jetport. I’m looking for permit applications for the removal of the existing fuel farm there, and the installation of the new. Could you share those applications with me, or do I need to submit some documentation to the County to get a login on eTRAKiT to access the applications? I’ve left a message at the permitting office, but if we need to discuss this over the phone my cell is 910-975-9622. Thanks, CALEB HASSELL, E.I. | Civil Associate II Parrish & Partners 1801 Stanley Rd, Suite 315, Greensboro, NC 27407 O: 336.944.6880 I D: 336.944.6871