From: Michelle F. Myatt Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 4:36 PM To: Central Permitting Subject: FW: Website Inquiry From: larry dever Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 3:50 PM To: Michelle F. Myatt Subject: Re: Website Inquiry Hello Michelle F. Myatt, Thank you for your quick response after months of being back and forth with Mr. Brad Sutton just to find out that he was using the original version of the plan and when it was discovered and we were able to speak with each other he told me that he was going to sign off on it and that I would have to make any corrections found by the inspector. You can imagine my surprise when I received your email, I think that we will not be doing the proposed build after all and I will be looking at other options. Warmest regards Larry C. Dever From: Michelle F. Myatt Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 11:31 AM To: Larry C Dever ; webcp Subject: RE: Website Inquiry We need the Building Application fully completed with descriptions of work under each trade. Also, based on the plans submitted, there is mechanical work being done (heat pump) so that will need to be added to the form as well. Once the building application is received & processed, you can call in payment over the phone & we can issue the permits. Sincerely, Michelle Myatt Central Permitting Technician Development Services (910) 814-6421 | 420 McKinney Parkway (physical) | PO Box 65 (mailing) | Lillington, NC 27546 Privacy & Confidentiality Notice Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and shall be disclosed to third parties when required by statutes. (NCGS Ch. 132) From: Larry C Dever Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 11:10 AM To: webcp Subject: Website Inquiry Inquiry For: C en tr al Pe r m itt in g Full Name: L ar ry C D ev er Address: 32 H yb ri d L n Address 2: City: Li nd en State: N C Zip Code: 28 35 6 Telephone: 91 02 24 38 00 Email Address: la rr y_ de ve r2 00 2 @ ya ho o. co m Comments: G oo d m or ni ng is it po ss ib le to pi ck up m y pe r m its to da y Submitter: 17 2. 22 0. 24 6. 16 2