From: Roger Sullivan Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 3:35 PM To: Donna Johnson; Leslie R. Jackson Subject: RE: Cameron, North Carolina Walmart #6958 Access Road BCOM2501-0003 Yes ma’am, if the 20 access is maintained, then we are good with that one issue that was noted. Thanks, Roger Sullivan Deputy Fire Marshal/Plan Reviewer Harnett County Emergency Services 910-893-7580 main | 910-893-0745 office| 1005 Edwards Brothers Drive (physical) | P.O. Box 370 (mailing) | Lillington, NC 27546 Privacy & Confidentiality Notice Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and shall be disclosed to third parties when required by statutes. (NCGS Ch. 132) From: Donna Johnson Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 2:28 PM To: Leslie R. Jackson ; Roger Sullivan Subject: FW: Cameron, North Carolina Walmart #6958 Access Road BCOM2501-0003 Please verify that the comments below from Barry Lindner are sufficient for your approval. Sincerely, Donna Johnson Project Coordinator / Customer Service Rep. Development Services (910) 814-6431 | 420 McKinney Parkway (physical) | PO Box 65 (mailing) | Lillington, NC 27546 Privacy & Confidentiality Notice Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and shall be disclosed to third parties when required by statutes. (NCGS Ch. 132) From: Margie Yarton-Higgins Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 1:56 PM To: Donna Johnson Cc: Kristana M. Bratton ; Amanda Fredericks Subject: FW: Cameron, North Carolina Walmart #6958 Access Road Good Afternoon Donna, Please see the below information regarding the access road for Cameron, North Carolina Walmart #6958. Let me know if you require any additional information. Respectfully, Margie Yarton-Higgins / Senior Project Coordinator Massa Multimedia Architecture Studio B - 3297 Route 66 - Neptune, NJ 07753 d:732.455-3840 / c: 848-219-3883 / 732.918.2300 (-> From: Barry Lindner Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 1:48 PM To: Margie Yarton-Higgins Cc: Brian Pelham ; Kristana M. Bratton ; Amanda Fredericks Subject: RE: Cameron, North Carolina Walmart #6958 Applications Hi Margie, The driveway between the expansion and adjacent property is 25 feet wide so we are good for access. Sheet C200 shows the dimension for the driveway as well the dimensions to property lines. It won’t show up on the overall site plan but sheet C200 covers it, see screen shot. Let me know if you need anything else. thanks Barry Lindner, PE Senior Project Manager ATWELL, LLC 480.218.8831 Office 559.991.8703 Mobile From: Margie Yarton-Higgins Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 10:43 AM To: Barry Lindner Cc: Brian Pelham ; Kristana M. Bratton ; Amanda Fredericks Subject: RE: Cameron, North Carolina Walmart #6958 Applications Good Afternoon Barry, I received an email from Donna Johnson from The Building Department in Harnett County for Cameron, North Carolina for Store #6958. Please verify that the 20’ access Road for the expansion is not compromised. It was not indicated on the site plan submitted, per fire the marshal. Let me know at your convenience. Margie Yarton-Higgins / Senior Project Coordinator Massa Multimedia Architecture Studio B - 3297 Route 66 - Neptune, NJ 07753 d:732.455-3840 / c: 848-219-3883 / 732.918.2300 (-> From: Donna Johnson Sent: Monday, January 27, 2025 4:27 PM To: Margie Yarton-Higgins Cc: Amanda Fredericks Subject: RE: Cameron, North Carolina Walmart #6958 Applications See answers below… Sincerely, Donna Johnson Project Coordinator / Customer Service Rep. Development Services (910) 814-6431 | 420 McKinney Parkway (physical) | PO Box 65 (mailing) | Lillington, NC 27546 (-> Privacy & Confidentiality Notice Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and shall be disclosed to third parties when required by statutes. (NCGS Ch. 132) From: Margie Yarton-Higgins Sent: Monday, January 27, 2025 3:07 PM To: Donna Johnson Cc: Amanda Fredericks Subject: RE: Cameron, North Carolina Walmart #6958 Applications Good Afternoon Donna, I am in the process of sending the plan review fee out for the County Health Plan Review for Cameron, North Carolina Walmart. OK I will also have both portions of the building permit application signed and send back to you. OK Please let me know if you require hard copies of the plans for review. I do not need hard copies. Fire sprinkler and fire alarm are submitted by the sub-contractor once awarded. Does this hold up the plan review? No sir it will not. Please make sure they are sent to me to process accordingly. Please let me know at your earliest convenience. Respectfully, Margie Yarton-Higgins / Senior Project Coordinator Massa Multimedia Architecture Studio B - 3297 Route 66 - Neptune, NJ 07753 d:732.455-3840 / c: 848-219-3883 / 732.918.2300 (-> From: Donna Johnson Sent: Monday, January 27, 2025 2:29 PM To: Margie Yarton-Higgins Cc: Amanda Fredericks Subject: RE: Cameron, North Carolina Walmart #6958 Applications Good afternoon, Margie. First, I want to apologize for the fee on the H & S application. That fee is incorrect. The plan review fee is $250.00. I will need that fee upfront before plan review. All other fees are payable after plan review is approved. The building application will need to be completed and signed on both lines. I will also need the building plans for construction, the fire sprinkler and fire alarm plans as well. Make sure the 20’ access rd for expansion is not compromised. It was not indicated on the site plan submitted, per fire marshal. Sincerely, Donna Johnson Project Coordinator / Customer Service Rep. Development Services (910) 814-6431 | 420 McKinney Parkway (physical) | PO Box 65 (mailing) | Lillington, NC 27546 (-> Privacy & Confidentiality Notice Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and shall be disclosed to third parties when required by statutes. (NCGS Ch. 132) From: Margie Yarton-Higgins Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2025 12:58 PM To: Donna Johnson Cc: Amanda Fredericks Subject: Cameron, North Carolina Walmart #6958 Applications Good Afternoon Donna, Attached are the building permit application, fire application and county health permit application for Cameron, North Carolina Walmart. I have filled in the building application with the information that is available to me. Sub-contractors will not be awarded until later. The fire application is attached for plan review of the fire plan drawings. I have also attached the County Health plan review with Scope of Work and catering Menu. I can forward the plan review check by overnight mail. Please confirm fee and if check is payable to Harnett County. Copies of refrigeration cut sheets were emailed to you previously. I have also forwarded the Plans to the State for the Health Plan Review. Please let me know if you require any additional hard copies of any of the plans or attachments that have been sent. Respectfully, Margie Yarton-Higgins / Senior Project Coordinator Massa Multimedia Architecture Studio B - 3297 Route 66 - Neptune, NJ 07753 d:732.455-3840 / c: 848-219-3883 / 732.918.2300 (-> Links contained in this email have been replaced. If you click on a link in the email above, the link will be analyzed for known threats. If a known threat is found, you will not be able to proceed to the destination. If suspicious content is detected, you will see a warning. External Email: Do not click any links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe. Confidential Notice: This is a confidential communication. If you received in error, please notify the sender of the delivery error by replying to this message and then delete it from your system. Electronic Data: Since data stored on electronic media can deteriorate, be translated or modified, Atwell, LLC will not be liable for the completeness, correctness or readability of the electronic data, including but not limited to draft, partial, preliminary, or incomplete plans. Any Electronic Data is provided “as-is”. The electronic data should be checked against the hard copy (paper, mylar, etc.). Hard copies are on file with Atwell and can be provided upon request.